
One of the hardest local woods, molave has a fine texture that makes it smooth to the touch. Vitex parviflora is a species of plant in the family Verbenaceae, also known as smallflower chastetree[2] or the molave tree. It is found in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines. It is threatened by habitat loss. The name “molave” is from Spanish, derived from Tagalog mulawin. It is also known as tugas in Visayan languages.[3] It […]

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Teak (Tectona grandis) is a tropical hardwood tree species in the family Lamiaceae. It is a large, deciduous tree that occurs in mixed hardwood forests. Tectona grandis has small, fragrant white flowers arranged in dense clusters (panicles) at the end of the branches. These flowers contain both types of reproductive organs (perfect flowers). The large, […]

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Oak is one of the most popular woods used in furniture and flooring in the US. It’s often found in traditional, craftsman, and mission style furniture and is the wood of choice for the Amish, as well as famed furniture designers Gustav Stickley and Frank Lloyd Wright. Oak is highly durable, easy to work with, […]

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Poplar wood is typically a white or creamy yellow hue, though it can be brownish or appear with mineral streaks of various colors in it, referred to as “rainbow poplar.” Although it is used more for utilitarian purposes (it’s more likely to be used for drawers than cabinet fronts or for match sticks than tables), […]

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Yakal Wood

Shorea astylosa is a species of plant in the family Dipterocarpaceae. It is endemic to the Philippines, which is known as yakal in Filipino language.Yakal is a medium to large tree about 25 to 30 meters tall. Its wood is hard and dark brownish-yellow. Branchlets are rather slender, blackish, and slightly hairy. Leaves are coriaceous, ovate to lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate or apex acuminate; the base […]

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Meranti Wood

Dark red meranti, also called tanguile, is dark red and very heavy (more than 40 pounds per cubic foot). Lauan is one common name for lumber from a large number (over 120) of species in the Shorea genus. These trees are grown in Southeast Asia, including Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. There are thousands of [...]read more >

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